Qat'muk IPCA

You are invited to lend your voice to help guide the Ktunaxa Nation develop an Indigenous Protected and Conserved Area for Qat'muk.

Visit the Timeline to review some recent history; and contribute your place-based knowledge by visiting and dropping pins in the Special Places section.

The Ktunaxa have a stewardship obligation and duty to the Grizzly Bear Spirit and Qat’muk.

The Grizzly Bear Spirit is an important source of guidance, strength, protection and spirituality for the Ktunaxa.

Qat’muk is a very special place where the Grizzly Bear Spirit was born, goes to heal itself, and returns to the spirit

You are invited to lend your voice to help guide the Ktunaxa Nation develop an Indigenous Protected and Conserved Area for Qat'muk.

Visit the Timeline to review some recent history; and contribute your place-based knowledge by visiting and dropping pins in the Special Places section.

The Ktunaxa have a stewardship obligation and duty to the Grizzly Bear Spirit and Qat’muk.

The Grizzly Bear Spirit is an important source of guidance, strength, protection and spirituality for the Ktunaxa.

Qat’muk is a very special place where the Grizzly Bear Spirit was born, goes to heal itself, and returns to the spirit world.

Qat’muk’s importance for the Grizzly Bear Spirit is inextricably interlinked with its importance for living grizzly bears, now and in the future.

Page last updated: 12 Sep 2024, 01:18 PM