Education and Employment

At Ktunaxa Nation Council Education & Employment (KNC-EE)...

We offer a variety of services to assist Ktunaxa Nation Citizens and other First Nation individuals get the training they need to increase their skillset and enter the workforce.

Everything from the initial job assessment, to job maintenance - we provide support along the way. We also offer education support to help individuals obtain their dream job.

Services include but are not limited to:

• Academic advising

• Job search assistance

• Resume and cover letter support

• Career planning

• Skills assessment

• Employment training and certifications

• Referrals

• Summer Student opportunities

• Industry linkages

• Labour market information

• Computer access

• Funding assessments

• Employability workshops

• Coaching/mentoring

We provide individual Employment Counselling, and also utilize a Career Cruising tool which may help you find your dream job!

At Ktunaxa Nation Council Education & Employment (KNC-EE)...

We offer a variety of services to assist Ktunaxa Nation Citizens and other First Nation individuals get the training they need to increase their skillset and enter the workforce.

Everything from the initial job assessment, to job maintenance - we provide support along the way. We also offer education support to help individuals obtain their dream job.

Services include but are not limited to:

• Academic advising

• Job search assistance

• Resume and cover letter support

• Career planning

• Skills assessment

• Employment training and certifications

• Referrals

• Summer Student opportunities

• Industry linkages

• Labour market information

• Computer access

• Funding assessments

• Employability workshops

• Coaching/mentoring

We provide individual Employment Counselling, and also utilize a Career Cruising tool which may help you find your dream job!

  • Bears' Lair Youth Summer Dream Camp

    The Bears’ Lair team is excited to host a free 3-day Indigenous Youth Dream Entrepreneur Camp this summer at the St. Eugene Resort in ʔa ̓qam near Cranbrook, BC.

    All Indigenous Youth ages 11 to 18 in the region can APPLY NOW to join us for an interactive 3-day business Dream Camp. Experience life as an entrepreneur, learn Business FUNdamentals and make new connections and friends…we provide all of the food, fun and hands-on activities!

    There’s only 25 spots available!

    PLEASE APPLY BEFORE MAY 30TH as we are writing proposals to secure travel support for Youth and their families to attend.


    What happens at a Youth Dream Camp? Watch highlight videos on Bears’ Lair TV YouTube!

    We provide everything to shape your ideas for NEW business into start-up plans and presentations!

    ● Tons of food, fun, workbooks, FREE hoodies and chances to win prizes.

    ● A safe, inclusive learning space to explore new ideas, develop skills and build social confidence.

    ● Hands-on activities to tackle 5 Team Challenges with Team Coach/mentors. Work with your Team to shape a start-up business plan then create and record your own Team Video Pitch!

    ● One Youth Team will EACH WIN $250 at the Community Celebration Event on July 14th!Learn more about our agenda and activities in this 2-page Youth Dream Camp Experience Overview.

    We are honoured to work with Ktunaxa Nation Council and Shuswap Indian Band team members to support Indigenous Youth ages 11 to 18 from across the region to attend!

    LOCATION: The 3-day Youth Dream Camp will be held at the St. Eugene Resort in ʔa ̓qam Address: 7777 Mission Road near Cranbrook, BC.

    Visit the St. Eugene Resort website

    DREAM CAMP TRAINING DATES – Monday to Wednesday, July 10th to 12th 9:30am to 4:00pm We start with a traditional greeting, breakfast and group introductions…then Youth start working with Team Coach/Mentors to tackle 5 Team Challenges. Breakfasts, lunches and laughter are included each day as Youth Teams work together to shape a start up plan, mini-pitch and then record 5-minute Team Video Pitches for their new business ideas!

    COMMUNITY CELEBRATION DINNER EVENT – Thursday, July 13th from 5:00pm to 8:30pm Enjoy an amazing dinner event, meet our sponsors and Dream Camp Team, celebrate the Youth participants, watch the Youth Team Pitch Videos they created and see which Youth Team is chosen by our friendly Guest Judge panel to win an extra $250 each!

    COST: Thanks to our generous sponsors at Paper Excellence, this 4-day Dream Camp Experience is FREE for Youth and the community!


    Questions? Email, text YOUTH to 604-783-8304.

  • BladeRunners: Is it for you?

  • AGA: Education and Employment: Who We Are

    Education and Employment Sector Council 2021

    Cherie Luke, Yaqan Nuʔkiy

    Garret Gravelle, Chair, Yaq̓it ʔa·knuqⱡi’it

    Rosemary Phillips, ʔakisq̓nuk

    Vickie Thomas, ʔaq̓am

    Team members

    Jason Andrew
    Contracts and Client Services Manager
    Tel: 250-489-2464 ext. 3149

    Jacquie Dust
    Education and Industry Relations Manager
    Tel: 250-489-2464 ext. 3014

    Jacey Reay
    Employment Development Officer
    Tel: 250-489-2464 ext. 3073

    Kristi Strobbe
    Employment and Education Coach
    Tel: 250-489-2464 ext. 4052

    Meagan Bremner
    Employment Officer
    Tel: 250-489-2464 ext. 4037

    Darcy Luke
    Employment Officer
    Tel: 250-489-2464

    Kari Gjertsen
    Client Case Worker with Kootenay Employment Services
    /Elk Valley Aboriginal Employment Services
    Tel: 250-489-2464 ext. 3191

    Bertha Andrews
    Executive Assistant
    Tel: 250-464-5452

  • AGA: Covid Impacts

    In mid-March 2020 all KNC staff were ordered to work from home because of the covid pandemic and the situation remained the same for the entire year. We quickly switched to virtual daily check-in meetings with staff to ensure operational continuity.

    We also re-configured our systems to provide remote services to clients and fortunately, services remain largely intact with one-on-one supports provided over the phone, computer and virtual meetings wherever possible. For obvious safety reasons, we proceeded with citizen engagement and Sector Council meetings using virtual platforms such Zoom, Webex and MS Teams.

  • AGA: Looking Forward

    Looking Forward into 2021-2022

    With respect to moving forward from here, the Education and Employment Sector Council is preparing to develop a more meaningful relationship with the local school districts so we have a direct role in ensuring our students thrive and succeed during this important time of their lives.

    Within operations we see the value of strengthening internal collaboration with KNC Sectors and Community Staff in order to enhance services that meet the unique and diverse needs of Ktunaxa People.

    In 2021, we had a very successful Youth Summit and we will continue to facilitate such events based on their wants, needs and aspirations.

    We are aware of the opportunities to work with other governments in realizing the potential of the United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples and aligning our needs with their policies and legislation, namely the BC’s Declaration of the Rights of Indigenous Peoples Act and the Truth and Reconciliation Calls to Action.

  • AGA: Education and Employment FAQs

    How has Education & Employment listened to the input from your Council, Communities and Citizens?

    We supported citizens in developing their own unique Individual Training Plans based on their specific interests and needs to assist in achieving one’s personalized goals. We engaged with youth throughout the year by hosting career fairs and annual youth summit gatherings. In early 2021, we attended Chief and Council meetings to learn what their priorities are and how we can to support their respective membership. The Education & Employment Sector Council held its annual strategic planning sessions in January and February 2021.

    How does the Education & Employment Sector complement and integrate the work done by Communities?

    We hosted two SEEMS (Social & Education Employment) meetings to discuss upcoming opportunities, share best practices and collaborate where there are potential opportunities.

    The SEEMS group is comprised of Community Education, Employment and Social Sector staff. We were able to provide funding to ʔakisq̓nuk First Nation to support wage subsidies for community members working on their on-reserve housing projects. The wage subsidy project ran from December 2020 to March 2021 and provided work experience to nine band/community members.

    How does the Education & Employment’s Sector Plan, outcomes & results benefit Citizens?

    Our annual plan is driven by 4 Strategic Pillars:

    1. Empowering Ktunaxa-Centered Education;
    2. Workforce Training for Ktunaxa-Centered Employment;
    3. Community Engagement in Ktunaxa-Centered Lifelong Learning;
    4. and Ktunaxa Informed Educational Governance.

    Ktunaxa ʔa·knusti & Land-based Learning

    In collaboration with the KNC Social Investment Sector, we provided land based learning opportunities with at-risk and vulnerable youth. This included mentoring and teaching animal harvesting, firearms safety, and the importance of ʔakxamis q̓api qapsin (All Living Things). Additionally, economic recovery funds were secured to provide the opportunity for 10 Ktunaxa youth to learn about trapping and tracking animals. To build on this, we partnered with the KNC Lands Sector to implement the ʔa·knusti (Ktunaxa Land Guardian) initiative. Seven Ktunaxa were interviewed and hired in Lands in March and will start their onboarding in April 2021.

    Ktunaxa Training Fund

    The Ktunaxa Training Fund provides funding for capacity development specifically for Ktunaxa nintik and the funds are supported through the Ktunaxa-Teck Impact Management & Benefit Agreement (IMBA) since 2016. During the 2020-21 fiscal year, Ktunaxa were sponsored in the areas of:

    • Geographical Information Systems (GIS) Training
    • Heavy Duty Mechanics Level 4
    • Masters of Law (2 Ktunaxa nintik)
    • PhD Indigenous Studies
    • Dental Assistant
    • Aesthetics
    • Masters of Engineering/Industrial Ecology
    • Advanced Issues in Ombuds Practice

    It’s important to note that we provided programs and services to all Indigenous people, including Ktunaxa, who are status, non-status, living on or off reserve within ʔamakʔis Ktunaxa.

    This included supporting post-secondary students with their tuition, books and living allowances; wages for summer students, work gear for citizens; helping individuals in acquiring driver’s licenses, providing career exploration support, industry & certificate training; and engaging with industry to match Ktunaxa employment. Here is a breakdown of clients we supported:

    • 8 citizens who applied to the Ktunaxa Training program;
    • 7 summer student positions;
    • 11 college and university sponsorships;
    • 33 individuals in need of supplies, work gear and training;
    • 11 individuals in receiving certificate training;
    • 10 individuals to gain experience in home construction; and
    • 37 youth in employability training with 32 successful completions.

    KNC Master Mentorship Strategy

    We supported the KNC CAO in developing the mentorship strategy and will continue to do so in the 2021-22 fiscal year.

    The purpose of the Master Mentorship Strategy is to provide innovative pathways to support citizens interested in building capacity and in working at the KNC.

    The strategy will be implemented across all the sectors and potentially in partnership with community and industry partners. This past year, the KNC Leadership Development Program and ʔa·knusti implementation were two pilot programs that were launched and are helping inform the strategy.

    For more information contact Jacquie Dust at .

    KNC Education & Employment Sector would like to take this time to express its appreciation to the partners that provided the support to make all this happen:

    • Employment & Social Development Canada,
    • Ministry of Advanced Education and Skills Training,
    • Kootenay Employment Services,
    • BC Ministry of Transportation (Yoho highway twinning project),
    • BC Timber Sales,
    • College of the Rockies,
    • Selkirk College,
    • Columbia Basin Trust,
    • Canfor Forests,
    • BC Hydro,
    • FortisBC,
    • Columbia Power Corporation,
    • Teck Coal,
    • Steel River Industries,
    • ATCO Structures & Logistics
    • and Stratton Plumbing and Heating.
  • AGA: Milestones

    Milestones from the past year

    Throughout 2020 and 2021 we led the development and supported the roll-out of the newly created KNC Employee Guide.

    KNC Sector Director’s and the TKL Advisory Committee provided input during the development phase and after, approval from the Ktunaxa Nation Executive Council, KNC staff were required to partake in the virtual orientation sessions.

    The Self-Created Summer Student Program was announced in May 2020, and we had seven youth who gained employment experience at St. Eugene Mission Resort, ʔaq̓am, Legend Logos and KNC Economic Investment Sector.

    Between April and September, 2020, we provided 10 post-secondary students in the areas of environmental sciences (3), trades (2), business management (3) and childhood education (2).

    During October and November, we posted for Expressions of Interest (EoI) exclusively for Ktunaxa Citizens pertaining to ʔa·knusti Land Guardians & Land Based Opportunities.

    Fifteen applications were submitted. The EoI call-out assisted us in identifying Ktunaxa Citizens who are currently spending time on the land and who have an interest in growing their capacity in areas of environmental stewardship. In December, 2020, we offered Ktunaxa Citizens support in applying for the B.C. Recovery Fund Program.

    To start off the New Year, the Sector Council had two strategic planning sessions with the support of an external facilitator.

    In early February, we hosted a Virtual Open House for Ktunaxa Citizens to learn about the Sector’s programs and services, local educational pathways and our employment partners. Presenters included College of the Rockies, Teck Coal, Steel River Solutions, Canfor Forests, KNC Economic Investment Sector, Fortis, BC Industry Training Authority and BC Infrastructure Benefits Inc.

    The annual Ahead of the Game Youth Summit traditionally occurs in March of each year, however due to Covid challenges we decided to hold it in April, 2021.

    The Summit occurred over a two-day period and had over 70 registrants between the ages of 15-25 participating via Zoom.

  • AGA: Education and Employment Sector Director Report

    By Ray Warden
    Interim Sector Director (Senior Manager)

    Hi Everyone,

    Starting in September 2020 I have been serving as Director of the Education and Employment Sector and so far it’s been a remarkable experience.

    Key learnings from this reassignment are many – from getting to know what drives the sector, its systems, processes and the people that make it happen, to gaining a more in-depth understanding of how we work together/support other KNC sectors, Ktunaxa communities, citizens and youth.

    My previous role as KNC Lands Director allows me to see the direct connection with our stewardship responsibility to ʔamakʔis Ktunaxa and the role Education and Employment Sector can do to support capacity building of Ktunaxa People.

    Three examples that come to mind are:

    The Qat’muk Indigenous Protected and Conserved Area (IPCA) located in the Purcell Mountains;

    the recent KNC-Teck Coal Conservation Lands Joint Management Agreement in the Elk and Flathead Valleys;

    and taking the next steps in implementing aʔknusti (Ktunaxa Lands Guardian) Initiative, all of which require strong collaboration between KNC sectors, communities and citizens including Ktunaxa youth and elders.

    From a personal perspective, it is quite awesome to see the many Ktunaxa People on the path of achieving their high-school diplomas to eagerly pursuing post-secondary education and finding employment opportunities of one’s personal choice.

    I’m very glad that we have capacity in place to support citizens to the best degree possible and also would like to express appreciation to the Federal and provincial departments, funders and local businesses for the support provided in furthering our objectives.

    Ray Warden

    Interim Director (Senior Manager)
    Education and Employment Sector

  • AGA: Education and Employment Sector Chair's Message

    By Garrett Gravelle
    Education and Employment Sector Council Chair

    Kiʔsuʔk Kyukyit Qapi Niskiⱡ,

    I started my role as the Education and Employment Sector Chair in January 2021 and I would like to begin by thanking the previous Chairperson, Jared Basil for all the work he has contributed to Ktunaxa Nation over the several years he served on council. I would also like to welcome two new Sector Council members, Cherie Luke and Rosemary Phillips representing Yaqan Nuʔkiy and Akisqʾnuk respectively, and express my appreciation to councilor Vickie Thomas from Aqam for your ongoing contribution to this sector.

    I want to say thanks to the Sector Director, Ray Warden and all staff for your hard work and dedication in providing much needed services to Ktunaxa People and indigenous people in general, that live within our homelands, especially during these challenging time with the covid pandemic - keep up the good work!

    In closing, we aim to do our very best in these challenging times to strengthen our governance role within ʔamakʔis Ktunaxa. We endeavor to work collaboratively with others and strive to meaningfully engage, actively listen, and increase our connections among Ktunaxa citizens and communities in a manner that supports you in your educational and career aspirations.

    Huyas, Taxa.

    Garrett Gravelle
    Education and Employment Sector Council Chair

Page last updated: 28 May 2023, 12:17 PM