AGA: Looking Forward
Looking Forward into 2021-2022
With respect to moving forward from here, the Education and Employment Sector Council is preparing to develop a more meaningful relationship with the local school districts so we have a direct role in ensuring our students thrive and succeed during this important time of their lives.
Within operations we see the value of strengthening internal collaboration with KNC Sectors and Community Staff in order to enhance services that meet the unique and diverse needs of Ktunaxa People.
In 2021, we had a very successful Youth Summit and we will continue to facilitate such events based on their wants, needs and aspirations.
We are aware of the opportunities to work with other governments in realizing the potential of the United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples and aligning our needs with their policies and legislation, namely the BC’s Declaration of the Rights of Indigenous Peoples Act and the Truth and Reconciliation Calls to Action.