3B. Research Synopsis Form
The purpose of this form is to provide a concise summary of the proposed research in plain language to assist the Ktunaxa Nation in determining its relevance to Ktunaxa priorities and interests.
Submission of this research synopsis is part of a multi-step permission process to conduct research concerning the Ktunaxa Nation.
The synopsis of the proposed research will be assessed by the Ktunaxa Nation Council (KNC) or the appropriate group or person(s) within the Ktunaxa Nation.
After assessment, the KNC will formally invite or decline a formal application to conduct research involving the Ktunaxa Nation.
Invited applicants will be provided with guidance on who is appropriate to approach regarding the information requested or participation in the research project, given the particular research objectives and type of information being sought.
Please note that only invited applications to conduct research will be accepted and reviewed by the KNC.
Please be concise and use plain language in providing the following information.