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Traditional Burn Call Out

Mark your Calendars on January 25th as the day will be filled with talks about the role of fire and the Columbia Lake area.

The KNC Land Stewardship team will be meeting with Nature Conservancy of Canada, The Nature Trust of BC and BC Wildlife Federation on January 25th, 2023 and is open to all Ktunaxanin̓tik. In the morning fire ecologist, Bob Gray, will be sharing his knowledge with participants. In the afternoon, there will be talks about upcoming events set to happen during the summer.

When: 10am - 1pm & 1pm - 3pm. Includes a BBQ lunch.

Where: Highway 95 Rest stop.

Call to Gather January 2023

Head on over to the Land Stewardship page for future updates on all their projects!

If you're looking to attend this event on January 25th, make sure to bundle up and dress appropriately to the weather!

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