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Traditional Burn Gathering

The Traditional Burn Gathering completed and here's the details of what went down!


On January 25th, Knowledge keepers, Nature Conservancy of Canada, The Nature Trust of B.C., B.C. Wildlife Federation and KNC Land Stewardship gathered to discuss the reintroduction of "Traditional Burns" to the Columbia Lake area.

The occurrence of overgrowth impacting the ecosystem, wildlife and predators in and around the Columbia Lake area was a big talking point, to say the least.

Talks on this day ranged from Invasive weeds, reasons for season specific burning and the impact of holding a burn in one season versus another.

It was quite the jam packed info session to be a part of!


For some time now, the Columbia Lake East Side area has mostly remained untouched by controlled fire and that has caused the local ecosystem to be grow differently, drastically changing the area from how it was in previous years.

The natural wildlife highways have become dense with overgrowth causing certain foods to become scare, travel becomes longer or more dangerous, ultimately resulting in fewer wildlife occupying areas that used to boom with their numbers.

Do you have questions regarding this event? Then make sure to check out the KNC Land Stewardship Planning page! Make sure to check back later to stay up to date on upcoming event related to "Traditions Burns" and the Columbia Lake East Side!

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