Medication Return Event with Prizes
By Sara Chorney
Community/Public Health Nurse
Kiʔsuʔk Kyukyit Q̓apiniskiǂ,
The Health Clinic nurses are hosting a Medication Return Event during the month of March.
They were set up next to KNC Reception on Wednesday March 15, with free snacks and an info booth about safely disposing of medications and prescriptions.
Return Your Medication
Enter to Win a Prize!
(Gift Cards to St. Eugene or Ella's Restaurant)
Prizes up for grabs until March 31, 2023.
After March 31, you can return your old medication to most pharmacies.
(But they don't offer prizes.)
Drop off your unused, expired medications
to the KNC Health Clinic
220 Cranbrook Street North
(Clinic entrance is on the north side of the building)
Regular clinic hours: 9 to 4, Monday to Friday
Contest goes until March 31, end of day (4 pm)
Contest is open to all community members and KNC staff.
One entry per person, must bring in medication for safe disposal to enter.
Winners will be contacted individually.
Any medications you are done with, including...
- antibiotics
- prescriptions
- birth control
- vitamins
- pills
- tablets
- patches
- creams
- inhalers
- pet medications.
Draw prize details:
Win one of two $150 gift certificates to St Eugene’s Numa Restaurant or one $100 gift certificate to Ella’s.
Event closes at the end of the day on March 31st.
This event was made possible by a grant from the First Nations Health Authority for Healthy Medication Return.