ʔaq̓amnik̓ School Student's Song

January 25 is a a big day for ʔaq̓amnik̓ School's Grade 6/7 students!

This is the world premiere of the music video for their song, "Culture," at Key City Theatre in Cranbrook.


January 25, Key City Theatre in Cranbrook

Doors open at 1 pm


In December, 2022,ʔaq̓amnik̓ Students in the Grade 6/7 class worked for one intensive week with their teachers and industry professionals to write, record and release the song "Culture."

The professionals were from N'we Jinan. N’we Jinan began as a one-week intensive program for youth to learn about and acquire skills in sound recording, music production, songwriting, and performance.

The ʔaq̓amnik̓ students filmed a music video to accompany their song.

The premiere for the "Culture" music video is Wednesday, January 25.

You can hear the song NOW on Soundcloud! Click HERE.

Don't fret if you're unable to attend the premiere, as the music video will be available on YouTube for all to view after the official launch on January 25.


The Ktunaxa Shorts team caught up with some of the students about the project.

Please see below for what they had to say.

Thanks to Bonnie Harvey, ʔaq̓am Governance Coordinator, and to Sara Frost, teacher at ʔaq̓amnik̓ school.

And of course, thank you to the students, for writing such a great song, sharing it, and sharing some of their thoughts about the whole process.

Ktunaxa Shorts Video: Dave Lalande
Ktunaxa Shorts Video Titles & Edits: Eldon Stanley

Incoming Ktunaxa Shorts!

1) Alex

2) Chenae

3) Crystal

4) Elijah

5) Michael

6) Morningstar

7) Tayden

"Culture" is available now on the ʔaq̓amnik̓ school students SoundCloud page now!

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