CBC Radio Interview: Ktunaxa Language News

Listen in to an interview with Barbara Fisher, Language Coordinator, starting at 36:50.

(36 minutes, 50 seconds.)


"Today and everyday moving forward, I would love to gift others with our Ktunaxa language and culture," said Barbara Fisher.

"Tools to start understanding the word 'healing' and how our communities need to heal for a healthier nation.

"To build up confidence--and give others a safe place to do so--when learning our language and culture.

"Most importantly, to show caring compassionate, loving and nurturing ways, as knowing a lot of us were never raised with those important characteristics.

"This is needed with healing, learning our language, our culture and becoming those strong resilient ktunaxanin̓tik̓ our ancestors fought so hard for us to always remember and never forget to become...
"Kȼmak̓ qa ksukⱡuⱡa·k kuk̓ qani ȼ k̓ itqakiⱡ haqa ksiʔⱡ ȼxa ʔa·kⱡukqaʔis ksukiⱡq̓ ukaʔmi·k kiʔin Ktunaxa naʔs ʔamak̓is."

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