Ktunaxa Language Resources

Ki’su’k kyukyit!

This is a growing library of Ktunaxa words and phrases as shared by Ktunaxa Language Learners.

Please see the section to the right called "Words: Audio files for listening and learning" to find different words.

Ki’su’k kyukyit!

This is a growing library of Ktunaxa words and phrases as shared by Ktunaxa Language Learners.

Please see the section to the right called "Words: Audio files for listening and learning" to find different words.

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    Prayer: Maker of All, Take My Heart


    Ȼukatin ka kiⱡwiy.

    Hakiⱡwiȼ kiⱡin ka ʔininik̓.

    Nawsanmiyitki ʔitkinin ⱡin suʔkni kaʔmin ka kiⱡwiy.

    Maker of All,

    Take my heart.

    Protect me from my enemy.

    Make my heart kind today

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    February 16 Lunch and Learn

    The first Ktunaxa Language Lunch and Learn was on Thursday, February 16.

    Lunch was delicious cabbage rolls from Auntie Barb's Bakery.

    TKL Language Coordinator Barbara Fisher shared words, phrases and pronunciations, and everyone shared what they hoped to learn during Lunch n Learns.

    Here is a list of the things Barbara shared with the group.

    Next Lunch n Learn is on March 2, from 11:30 to 1 pm in KNC Room 209.

    Ktunaxa ʔakⱡukaqwum


    Ki’su’k kyukyit




    Good Afternoon, hello




    Ya·kiⱡ ʔitqawxaxamki

    A gathering place

    Ya·kiⱡ sukiⱡq̓ukamaⱡnamki

    A happy, safe place

    Hu ȼ̓inaxi ya·kiⱡ ʔisaknunamki

    I am going to the bathroom

    Kinȼ ȼ̓i·kam

    Are you coming?

    Kin nuwas?

    Are you hungry

    Waha, hu nuwumni

    No, I’m full

    Hiy, hu nuwasni

    Yes, I’m hungry

    Kinȼ ȼ̓i·kam

    Do you want to come?

    Kin ȼxaⱡ ʔik

    Are you going to eat?

    Hu ȼxaⱡ ʔikni

    I am going to eat










    Continuing conversation


    Enough, done

    Taxta, huȼ ⱡa ʔupxinisni

    I’ll see you later or again.

    Taxta, huȼ ȼ̓inaxi ʔakiskaqⱡiʔit

    Later, I’m going to Cranbrook

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    Lunch and Learns

    By Barbara Fisher, TKL Language Coordinator

    Starting February 16, 2023, our language coordinator (:-) will be offering a "lunch and learn" to the staff of the Ktunaxa Nation Council, as well anyone who would like to take up this great opportunity.

    This lunch and learn will be bi-weekly Thursdays, starting with lunch at 11:30 am to 1:00 pm.

    The place is the big meeting room on the main floor at KNC, across from the TKL space. (Room 209.)

    You can bring your lunch ... but there will be lots of great food to share!

    Here is the schedule:

Page last updated: 30 Nov 2023, 08:28 AM