Workshops in development to inform Ktunaxa on mining exploration

Photo: Site tour at the Kootenay West gypsum mine.

By Jamie Smithson, Project Officer – Mining Oversight, Lands and Resources Sector

Kiʔsuʔk kyukyit,

ʔamakʔis Ktunaxa has a diverse range of geological deposits with many proposed and existing exploration programs.

In recent years, Ktunaxa have expressed significant concerns around several exploration programs that are in sensitive areas.

Although exploration has less impacts than full-scale mining, the impacts can still be very damaging to sensitive areas.

In addition, Ktunaxa do not often see the justification of exploration impacts when Ktunaxa would likely not provide their consent to full mine development.

That said, there is an interest in learning more about the typical deposits and mining methods that may be deployed within ʔamakʔis Ktunaxa to support confident, informed, decision making and help Ktunaxa determine which exploration programs are too risky as well as those that may be acceptable.

One of the functions of the existing Ktunaxa and British Columbia Strategic Engagement Agreement (SEA) is to facilitate deep engagement on topics that are important to Ktunaxa.

With direction and support from Ktunaxa First Nation staff and Lands & Resources Sector Council, KNC have submitted a “Ktunaxa Engagement Request” to B.C. on mining as a whole in ʔamakʔis Ktunaxa – with a focus on prospecting to advanced exploration and feasibility.

The current idea is to work with the Ministry of Energy, Mines and Low Carbon Innovation (EMLI) on the development of a series of workshops and presentations on mining as a whole in ʔamakʔis Ktunaxa – with a combination of higher level citizen engagement sessions and more detailed technical sessions for staff and citizens that have a deep interest in mining.

Potential topics to be discussed include:

  • Types of mining (e.g. mineral exploration, placer, gravel pit, coal, etc.)
  • Types of minerals of interest and where certain minerals are found
  • Locations of past and present exploration
  • Typical impacts from each mining method
  • Reclamation and cumulative effects
  • Enforcement and compliance

These workshops are being developed.
To express your interest and stay informed, please email

If you have any questions, ideas and/or are interested in learning more – please feel free to reach out to myself (
or Erin Robertson (

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