AGA 2021 Lands & Resources Senior Manager Report

Senior Manager’s (Director) Message

By Debbie Whitehead,
Interim Sector Director (Senior Manager)

Kisuk kyukyit qapi niskit,

My time during my reassignment to the Director for the Lands and Resources Sector was at first intimidating because I did not think I knew anything about the Lands Sector. I quickly realized that I knew more than I thought and kept my focus on the Ktunaxa Nation Vision and community values to stay on track and succeed.

The Ktunaxa Nation Vision has always stood in the back of my mind and bringing this to the forefront, it made decisions and reorganization for the sector much easier when guided by this.

As Directors at the Ktunaxa Nation Council, we all work under the same vision and increasing capacity to ensure Ktunaxa governments are involved in collaboration and decision-making within the Lands and Resources Sector aligned with the Ktunaxa Nation Vision.

This made both my experience in the sector and the reassignment a success.

Initially, my approach to gain an understanding of the sector’s mandate, mission and work-to-date highlighted some key gaps operationally, particularly with collaboration between sectors, between Lands and the Ktunaxa communities and with band governments. It was clear that protecting Ktunaxa interests on the land and in the waters is a massive endeavour with many moving pieces that can only be accomplished by working together at all levels of the collective governance structure, citizens and staff.

In partnership with the Lands and Resources Sector Council, we were able to develop and reinforce pathways to create new ways of doing things by making bold changes to meet the current needs and, more importantly, implement the vision of our leadership.

Based on what we heard from the Lands and Resources Council, Ktunaxa leaders and citizens, and what I saw in the Lands Sector, it was clear that collaboration, sharing of information and building relationships are critical to our success in protecting Ktunaxa interests. We can no longer work in silos but must work together and I believe we are on that path. There is still a lot of work to be done and kinks will arise but we have started a process through cross-sectoral initiatives and projects to expand the involvement and collaboration within KNC and with Ktunaxa Nation communities.

When collaborating with government bodies and industry proponents, it is critical that the priority and focus are on strong, clear, Ktunaxa voices driving the process. We must ensure that the lands sector is doing the work that Ktunaxa want done and in the way Ktunaxa want it done. To achieve this we know that we must build trust through dialogue, have follow up with communities, and improve our relationship as a collective.


Debbie Whitehead

Senior Manager (Interim Director)
Lands and Resources Sector

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