2021 Lands and Resources FAQs

Frequently Asked Questions

How has the Lands Sector listened to the input from your Council, Communities and Citizens?

The Lands and Resources Sector Council held its annual strategic planning sessions in December 2020 and January 2021. We also scheduled a 3 Year Plan session for July 2021 to refine, update and incorporate the changes from the annual strategic planning sessions.

In December 2020, we attended ʔakisq̓nuk Chief and Council meeting and Team Leads have continued to attend Ktunaxa Chief and Council meetings for feedback and direction on specific priority items to the communities.

Throughout the year, we engaged with Ktunaxa citizens both online and in-person through Retreats, Calls to Gather, and Focus Groups. These engagement events were for Columbia River Treaty, Qat’muk/Indigenous Protected and Conservation Areas (IPCA), Huckleberry and Elk Stewardship, and Predator Control sessions.

How does the Lands and Resources Sector Plan complements and integrates the work done by Communities?

The sector plan’s focus on improved communication, relationship building, and improved sector capacity development all shifted the approach of the Lands Sector to collaborate with communities. This shift created space to clearly hear the direction from the Lands Council and expand our focus beyond Qukin ʔamakʔis and mining to the development and stewardship to all ʔamakʔis Ktunaxa.

How the Lands Sector Plan and its outcomes/results benefit Citizens?

By increasing and improving sector capacity, Ktunaxa citizens benefit from Ktunaxa speaking for Ktunaxa with more citizens voices at the table through ʔa·knusti, working groups, engagement, and Ktunaxa Lands staff. Ktunaxa citizens are positioned with and within the Lands sector to speak on the outcomes that align with their stewardship and values.

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