Economic Summit Recap

By Jason Andrew, Director, KNC Economic Investment Sector

The Economic Summit was held on March 2 and 3 and was attended by approximately 50 Ktunaxanin̓tik.

The Economic & Investment Sector was able to host Ktunaxa Leadership as well as Economic Development staff from Ktunaxa communities, to gain a better understanding of how the Sector can support community needs and priorities.

The Economic Summit also included presentations from Ktunaxa Entrepreneurs who shared their business experience with Ktunaxanin̓tik.

The Economic & Investment Sector would like to thank Faro Burgoyne and Emily, from Ravens Nest Resort and Campground, Bonnie Harvey, from Fry Bread for Fun$, and Mike Nicholas, from Pro-Active Safety & First Aid! Your business experience presentations have inspired us all, congratulations on all your success!

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