Initiatives, Ktunaxa/Teck IMBA, Kicking Horse Canyon

Download the full report HERE.

1. Building Community Business Development Capacity Initiative:

  • ʔaq̓am Community Enterprises hired Ryan Phillips Clement as a Business Development Assistant;
  • Yaqa·n Nuʔkiy hired David Mutch as Agriculture Business Coordinator;
  • Yaq̓it ʔa·knuqⱡiʾit supports Ka·kin Resource Corporation to represent the community;
  • Nupqu hired Kevin Wilson as Business Development Manager;
  • ʔakisq̓nuk FN, the Economic Sector disbursed the Sector’s portion to the community for year 1 to assist in economic development and planning.

2. Ktunaxa Economic Summit:

  • The Sector is undertaking this project to:
  • Reaffirm and continue to grow relationships with communities and citizens;
  • Summit information will guide the Sector’s strategic goals and Nation wide initiatives;
  • Information sharing as to what the Sector does for the Nation, including citizens, businesses and communities;
  • Continue to develop best practices and governance policies that are supported by Nation leadership;
  • Community/business interests that can be incorporated into the Sector’s work planning activities;
  • To create a platform for engagement with Nation members, communities and Ktunaxa businesses;

3. Ktunaxa / Teck Impact Management and Benefits Agreement (IMBA):

  • Please download full report HERE.

4. Kicking Horse Canyon Highway 1 Phase IV Construction:

The Economic Sector is working with the Ministry’s preferred vendor, Kicking Horse Canyon Constructors, to provide contracting opportunities to Ktunaxa business. The project began in the spring of 2021 with a handful of Ktunaxa businesses already providing products and services to the project. Full benefits are not yet being realized due to COVID restrictions and delays in engagement with the contractor.

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