AGA: Joint Occupational Health and Safety Committee
By Kyle Highwind
Service Representative
OH&S Joint-Committee, Co-Chair
Throughout the year we have been working to define what the JOH&S committee will look like going forward. We are a group of people passionate about safety wanting to be active in supporting the Ktunaxa Nation Council in being as safe as it con possibly be. In this new at home/online world we still don’t know exactly how that fits in but we wish to work to figure it out!
We have also established that there is a gap in safety ownership and have been helping to steward the process to hire safety staff to bring our OHS vision to fruition. We are currently at the planning stage of our OHS strategy and the advisory committee is looking forward to working with safety staff hired.
The JOH&S Committee has also been diligently promoting Mental Health and is hosting monthly round table discussions giving staff a safe space to discuss how they are feeling and any related safety concerns. These have been a welcome change to the dreary covid program and it is all thanks to the staff whom patriciate for its success. In the same frame as Mental Health we have also provided one-time training discussing the effects of continual stress and mental health.
The JOH&S Committee thanks each and every staff for your commitment and participation in safety. We would also like to thank the Directors, Managers, and Leaders to their continued commitment to safety.
If you have never been to JOH&S Committee meeting and are interested, please reach out the myself as the employee co-chair. We are always glad to have new members and people passionate about safety even if you want to just stop by to see what we are about.
Reception at Ktunaxa Nation Council
Reception has changed drastically and moved towards working to a form home model (at the moment). This has provided its own set of struggles. At reception I have been lucky to work diligently with the EOC and help coordinate messages to staff working from home. Being the face and first person you generally speak to has been a great joy and I miss it dearly. I look forward to being able to hear and see everyone’s face when we open up again.
Outlining services have changed are as follows; 1. Cheques are no longer available for pickup at reception. EFT can be coordinated through Finance. 2. Lots of building services are by appointment only. I have to provide contact information and ask people to reach out themselves or if they would like me to pass messages on to the person they wish to talk to. 3. The Keys, Gas Cards, Car Wash card system has been overhauled by facilities. These will no longer be held by reception. 4. Mail is sorted a few times a week when I am in the office. 5. Mailout services are via reception every Friday (sooner in emergencies can be coordinated). 6. Sign in/out has been implemented for Fire Safety & Contact Tracing if necessary. 7. Office Supplies can be arranged through pickup/order through Reception. 8. Meeting Room services have not changed and are being managed by facilities still.
It has been disheartening that we cannot run at full capacity but at the same time it has been so humbling. The citizens and people that Ktunaxa Nation Council Serves and whom I interact with have been the strongest and most understandable despite the barriers that covid has placed. That everyone’s concerns can be brought forward and talked about dealing with any concerns that we may have. It has shown me that the sense of comradery I share with my work family and everyone whom comes through the door has proven my choice to join Ktunaxa Nation Council as the right one.

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