AGA: Facilities Report

By Ashley Skjonsby
Facilities Assistant

Capital Acquisitions

Purchased 32 9th Avenue South to provide health care to First Nations/Ktunaxa citizens.

Added two new Toyota Tundra’s (LANDS) and a Ford Transit “Ambulance” (SOCIAL) to our Fleet.

Replaced outdated fire panel for KNGB.

Renovated 3rd floor pair of washrooms.

Replaced flooring in the lobby area at KNGB.

Renovations and Projects

Renovated leased spaced in the Tamarack Mall for Skinkuc Treasures.

Conducted a space survey to forecast the needs for staff upon return to work.

While taking advantage of having a low number of staff in the building, we have started painting all the walls and trim in the KNGB.


We have taken all the steps we can to acquire supplies need to protect our staff from COVID 19.

Outfitted the KNGB with touchless faucets and hand sanitizing dispensers.

Facilities has actively participated in weekly EOC meetings.

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